Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Minibeasts WebQuest – Teacher Page


The ‘Minibeasts’ WebQuest is designed for year 3 students learning about living things. This unit is loosely based around two sourcebook modules from the Queensland Studies Authority. The Technology Sourcebook Module titled ‘Minding Minibeasts’ and the Science Sourcebook Module Titled ‘Needs of Living Things’.


The ‘Minibeasts’ WebQuest encourages student centered inquiry based learning. Students are given opportunities to work in groups or on an individual basis to complete an online research task. Some guidance is given through the use of links to control where learners are looking for information.


Outcomes have been taken from the Science, Technology and English Syllabus’ and can be achieved by students, through participation in the ‘Minibeasts’ WebQuest.


Read the letter from Professor B. Cairful.

Assist students in designing and creating their observation chambers.

Read books in class about small animals and encourage students to research in the school library. Group work and fact posters are a great way to assist students.

In a class lesson create a blog and teach students how to access this blog. The blog will need to be monitored by you.

Each student will be blogging as the same user therefore it is important for them to put their name into their blog.


Technology Sourcebook Module http://www.qsa.qld.edu.au

Science Sourcebook Module http://www.qsa.qld.edu.au

Blogger http://www.blogger.com

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